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Reconciliation of BSUoS charges - How does this affect me?

You will notice a line item labelled ‘BSUOS RECONCILIATION’ on your May invoice. This is because a forecast was produced for this cost and this indicative cost was included in your energy rates for April 2016 – March 2017.  

As we have now received the actual data from National Grid, we are in a position to reconcile for this period, and you will see a debit on your May invoice. 

As these charges are passed through within the CCS Framework, you have greater transparency of your energy costs as this charge is reconciled to actual data as the grid operators confirm their charges.

What is BSUoS?

Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) – BSUoS allows National Grid to recover the costs associated with balancing supply and demand within the electricity system. This is vital in maintaining the quality and security of your electricity supply.  

Who pays?

National Grid charges electricity suppliers to recover the costs incurred through balancing the system. National Grid provides updates to the industry on a regular basis as to what these actual costs are.  BSUoS are pass-through costs within your electricity supply contract for half-hourly supplies. The outturn BSUoS charges, published by National Grid, are passed through via your electricity invoice. 

For published charges, please refer to the National Grid website:

If you have any questions or require further details, please e-mail and one of our Account Managers will be in touch as a priority.  

Non Energy Costs